Laser desorption molecular beam spectroscopy of neutral molecules (far- and mid- infrared).
Infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectroscopy using 22-pole 4 K cold trap.
Gas phase photo-dissociation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) cations.
Quadrupole Ion Trap and Time of Flight Mass spectroscopy.
Electron Impact Ionization.
Infrared spectroscopy of decorated PAH using Matrix isolation technique.
Synthesis of para-H2 and Matrix isolation in solid para-H2.
Vacuum Ultra Violet and Infrared spectroscopy of Astrochemical Ice Analogs.
Geochemistry of planetary materials/meteorites using Electron Probe Micro Analyzer.
Raman Spectroscopy for shock affected minerals in meteorites.
Quantum Chemical calculations of interstellar molecules and ions.
Basic programming knowledge in C++, MATLAB and LabView.