Conference Presentations

2nd Congresso Nazionale di Astrochimica Protoplanetaria.

Trieste, Italy, 11th – 14th September 2023. Photofragmentation of Buckybowls – Corannulene (C20H10) & Sumanene (C21H12) cations and its Astrophysical Implications – Oral presentation.

The life cycle of cosmic PAHs.

Aarhus, Denmark, September 5th – 9th 2022. “Infrared spectra of Protonated and Hydrogenated Corannulene (C20H10) and Sumanene (C21H12) in Solid p-H2 Matrix and their Implications to the Interstellar UIR Bands” – Oral presentation.

Indian Planetary Science Conference – 2022, India.

March 14th – 16th 2022. “Astrochemical Ices beyond their sublimation limit – Momentary Molecular Ices” – Oral presentation.

National Space Science Symposium 2022, IISER, Kolkata, India.

Jan 31st – Feb 3rd 2022. “VUV Photoabsorption of Thermally Processed Carbon disulphide and Ammonia Ice mixtures –Implications to icy objects in the solar system” – Oral presentation “Introduction to Astrochemistry – a bridge between Astrophysics and Astrobiology.

IAU Laboratory Astrophysics, Cambridge, UK.

April 15th-19th 2019. “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene (C20H10) and sumanene (C21H12) using matrix isolation in solid para-Hydrogen – implications to the UIR bands” – Poster presentation. Won a student grant of £ 1000.

256th National meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, MA, USA.

August 19th-23rd 2018. “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene (C20H10) and sumanene (CC21H12) using matrix isolation in solid para-Hydrogen and its astrophysical implications” – Oral and selected as exemplary abstract for the Sci-Mix poster session. Won a travel grant of $ 500.

2nd Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

March 9th-10th 2018. “Infrared spectra of protonated and hydrogenated corannulene (C20H10) using matrix isolation in solid para-Hydrogen” – Oral presentation (Outstanding Oral Award).

6th Asian Spectroscopy conference, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

September 10th – 11th 2017. “Infrared spectroscopy of protonated (H+C6H5OH) and hydrogenated (HC6H5OH) Phenol using solid para-Hydrogen matrix isolation technique” – Oral presentation (Oral Presentation Award).

National Space Science Symposium 2016, Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, Trivandrum, India.

Feb 9th – 11th 2016. ▪ “Identification of Nitrile Ices on Pluto” – Oral presentation (Best Paper Award). ▪ “Only Amorphous Ethanethiol exists in the Interstellar Medium” – Oral presentation.

Reaction Dynamics Symposium 2015 at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan,

Nov 10th - 11th 2015. “Propargyl route to Aromatic molecules in Astrochemical Ices” – Oral presentation.

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center - 21st Users'' Meeting & Workshop', Taiwan .

Sept 8th -9th 2015. “VUV Spectroscopy of Condensed Molecules on Astrochemical Dust Analogs” – Oral presentation.

The National Seminar on Astrophysics .

Meenakshi College, University of Madras, Chennai, India, Sept 2010. “The Sun – its science, birth and fate” – Oral presentation (Best presentation – 4th place).